When Should You Start Getting Mammograms?
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently announced that women, regardless of family history, should start getting mammograms at age 40 and be rescreened every other year, to check for breast cancer. The older recommendations suggested 50 was the ideal age to begin, however, due to a recent increase in women younger than 50 being diagnosed with breast cancer, the Task Force is highly suggesting that age 40 is a much more ideal age to start the detection procedure.
Of course, this doesn't negate the need for you to consistently check yourself, as well. And if you feel any sort of lump or unusual growth, contact your medical provider right away for an appointment. While it may sound cliché, it is true: early detection can save lives.
Wenjulan Whole Body C.A.R.E. was co-founded by a cancer survivor, and she does not want anybody to have to undergo either the physical and/or emotional stress and toil that this disease can bring. (You can read our story and how her cancer experience was the main catalyst for us starting Wenjulan Whole Body C.A.R.E. here.)
Please, prioritize both checking yourselves and scheduling that first mammogram appointment right before or after your 40th birthday.